The Dragon Lady

[A/N: The chapters would be limited to 1600 words, as anything past that two fast passes. Just doing preparations in advance, as I realized this problem just now.]

Zhang Wei made his way back to the bar, the scene there was still chaotic, but a few people were now starting to come around. Suddenly, Tang Bo appeared, looking panicked and worried. "Brother, what happened?" he asked, with a quiver in his voice.

Zhang Wei could see the concern etched on Tang Bo's face and shook his head, deciding to keep the details of the kidnapping to himself. He simply told Tang Bo that he had rescued someone and left it at that.

As Tang Bo listened to Zhang Wei's words, his eyes widened with realization that the kidnappers would have been ruthless, and yet Zhang Wei had still managed to save Yu Lei. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration for his friend's courage and bravery in the face of danger.