The End of One Battle, the Start of Another (1)

Zhang Wei slowly released his grip on Rose, his fingers loosening their hold on her arms.

As he stepped back a few paces, she let out a long sigh, grateful to finally be free from his grasp.

Her muscles were stiff and sore from being restrained in the same position for so long, and she eagerly stretched her arms out to loosen them up.

Turning to face Zhang Wei, Rose offered him a mischievous grin. "Want a weapon?" she asked, her voice laced with playful challenge.

Without waiting for his answer, she reached over to her bedside drawer and pulled out two gleaming knives, their blades catching the light and glinting menacingly.

As she held out the weapons to him, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

She had been waiting for this moment for weeks, ever since she first started training with her knives, she needed a worthy opponent to test her skills.

And now, with Zhang Wei standing before her, she felt confident that she could take him down.