Wrong place at the wrong time? or Right place at right time?

Zhang Wei's eyes widened slightly as he gazed at the A-16 nameplate in front of him, but it wasn't until he turned his gaze towards the large double-storey mansion behind it that his heart truly skipped a beat.

Behind the towering gates stood a vast and pristine lawn, adorned with a grand water fountain that sparkled in the sunlight. A separate garage stood majestically in the corner, perfectly complementing the already stunning view.

It was only then that Zhang Wei realized that this wasn't even the top mansion in the area. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he realized that there were people above him who were richer and more powerful.

Just as he was lost in thought, his attention was suddenly caught by the owner of the mansion, Leng Yan. She walked towards him with an air of quiet pretended confidence, ignoring the curious glances of the security personnel.

Knowing that she was faking it all, filled Zhang Wei with delight and his mood turned for better.