Suicide? Zhang Wei learned an lesson? (2)

Leng Mei's brows furrowed, and her eyes darted around the commotion.

She parked the car at a nearby spot, getting out of it and bursting with curiosity.

Alas, they found their path blocked. Her companion, Zhang Wei, also stepped out of the vehicle and looked spooked.

"Why are there so many cameras?" Leng Mei craned her neck to try and see what was happening. "Don't tell me a celebrity is here?"

Zhang Wei's mind exploded at the word 'celebrity'. He grabbed Leng Mei's hand, impulsive and driven by curiosity, and pulled her towards the epicenter of chaos.

She was taken aback by his boldness and couldn't help feeling awkward as he pulled her along.

"Are you not afraid your wife will be jealous?" Leng Mei tried to make small talk, but it came out more like a question.

Zhang Wei stopped abruptly, and she almost bumped into him.

He stared at their hands for a brief moment before his gaze darted to the seventh floor of the building. It seemed like he was contemplating something.