Meeting with Zhao Hongyan! (1)

The world around them seemingly transformed as the black and white hues that had once dominated dissolved into an array of vibrant colors.

Time resumed its normal function, yet Zhang Wei remained in a state of confusion, still reeling from his earlier encounter with an unknown entity.

He had been trapped in that moment for what felt like an eternity, but still, time had stood still.

The entity had warned him not to reveal its existence to the system, so for now, Zhang Wei would remain silent, observing and analyzing his surroundings until he could figure out what was happening.

[The secret conversation between the unknown entity and Zhang Wei would be revealed in future.]

With a stoic expression on his face, Zhang Wei took hold of the steering wheel and closed the car door as Song Shoushan sat quietly next to him, occasionally giving him directions to her home.

He didn't need her guidance though; he already knew the way to Mansion Row like the back of his hand.