The Reincarnation Land?

The room erupted in a blinding cascade of light, its brilliance searing through every corner.

Zhang Wei found himself defying gravity, suspended in mid-air.

A dazzling radiance poured forth from his gaping mouth, his wide eyes, and even from within his very being.

Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the absence of sound.

The blood and fluids within Zhang Wei's body had either evaporated or been consumed by the intense heat, leaving behind a hushed void.

Amidst this ethereal display, a magnificent book of destiny spun outside Zhang Wei's body.

Its swift rotation cast an emerald glow, attempting to pacify the chaotic situation.

Yet, despite its efforts, the book proved powerless to alter the grim reality unfolding before Zhang Wei's eyes.

Bitter curses escaped Zhang Wei's lips, his voice muffled by the overwhelming spectacle.