Wang Haoran Proposal!

Outside the grand entrance of the luxurious presidential suite at the prestigious W-Hotel, a line of formidable bodyguards stood like sentinels, their imposing figures draped in tailored black attire. Their presence exuded an air of unwavering vigilance and silent authority.

Among them, Wu Xue and Ye Feng stood on the periphery, observing the proceedings with a mix of anticipation and tension.

Ye Feng, his steps imbued with restless energy, paced back and forth near the entrance, his eyes occasionally darting towards the closed doors.

Amusement danced in Wu Xue's eyes as she watched Ye Feng's restless movements.

She couldn't resist teasing him, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. "If you're so deeply concerned about the president, why don't you go inside and join her?"

Ye Feng's brows knitted, his expression a blend of apprehension and determination.