"B-Brother, have mercy!"

"Hey, the two of you, come with us!" Interrupting their conversation, a man in a police uniform approached and spoke.

Leng Yan's face instantly changed as her gaze scanned the now isolated area, surrounded by police who were apprehending individuals one by one.

Letting out a sigh, she revealed her identity, showing her badge.

The officer, Hu Yan, glanced at it, his expression transforming as he stared at Leng Yan's face once again before saying, "You can go, but this man must stay! The cameras have recorded everything!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow but remained unfazed, while Leng Yan furrowed her brow with concern.

Hu Yan sneered, staring at Zhang Wei with disgust. 'Using your connections to cause trouble, huh? I despise those who rely on their family background or connections to wreak havoc in the city as if they own it. I'm determined to teach you a lesson.'

"Arrest him!" he shouted at his subordinate, pointing to Zhang Wei.