*In the Bureau* (4)

"What do you need now?" Leng Yan's irritation was palpable as she noticed him intently studying her with a mischievous smirk.

Zhang Wei chuckled, his laughter carrying a sinister undertone. "You have successfully passed the trials. Now, it's time for the main audition," he declared, his lower body still bare.

"!?" Leng Yan's mind swirled in confusion. 'Main audition?' Her bewilderment deepened as she struggled to comprehend what more he could possibly want from her.

However, Zhang Wei was a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words. Without warning, he ruthlessly tore open her shirt, unraveling her last shred of composure.

"W-What!" Panic surged through Leng Yan's veins, but it was too late. The inevitable had unfolded, trapping her in a web of helplessness.

Outside the room, Liu Zhihao's assistant, Fang Qingge, made her way down the abandoned hallway, her hesitant steps causing echoes to reverberate through the empty space.