Xie Meirong: Mo Chen humiliated again?

The seamless transition spoke louder than words, hinting at an underlying dynamic that Mo Chen wasn't privy to.

Bai Wenling couldn't help but suppress a chuckle as she caught Xie Meirong's subtle yet effective signal.

She gestured toward the vacant spot with a nod, a hint of embarrassment in her eyes. "It seems you've been assigned a new seat," she remarked, her tone light.

Mo Chen blinked, his surprise evident as he tried to process the unexpected shift.

With an awkward yet good-natured smile, he complied, moving to the indicated spot near the girls.

His earlier confidence seemed to waver in the face of this sudden change.

As he settled into his new seat, Mo Chen's composure took a hit.

The presence of so many beautiful women seemed to create an almost suffocating pressure, causing his brain to momentarily freeze.