Brother is too domineering, can't compare! 

Curiosity danced in Xiong Mei's eyes as she peeked slightly, torn between her intrigue and the understanding that she shouldn't pry too much.

With Bai Wenling and Xie Meirong's gazes subtly prodding her, Xiong Mei felt the pressure to be the one to finally pose the question.

'Why me!?' Xiong Mei couldn't help but think, feeling somewhat helpless. Taking a breath, she decided to approach the topic delicately. "Zhang Wei, who is he?" she inquired, her tone casual as she tried not to appear overly nosy.

Zhang Wei, still focused on signing the documents, glanced towards Huang Ren and raised an eyebrow. "And who might you be? Do you not have the manners to introduce yourself?" he retorted, a touch of annoyance in his voice.

Huang Ren's face twitched, but he responded, "Yes, boss!"

"I am Huang Ren, CEO of Tianyi Entertainment company," he stated stiffly, wondering why the new boss was being so temperamental.

