Helping Xiong Mei take a Bath (1)

[A/N: Although I feel this note is unnecessary because if you have read this far, you would read until the end and should already trust the author.

Still, I would like to reiterate - trust the author when it comes to characters, as you can never guess how they will develop in the end. 

As for anyone reading my novel, if you copy my original R18 scenes, I will make a son of destiny out of your name and cuck him!





28th march, 2023

"Hmm..." Zhang Wei's senses gradually stirred, the intrusion of movement coaxing him out of his slumber. Blinking drowsily, he took in his surroundings, his gaze settling on Xiong Mei, who was now awake and trying to rouse him from his sleep.

The tinge of panic in her expression didn't escape his notice.

"What's the matter?" he inquired, pushing himself into a sitting position while extending his legs out on the bed.