Ye Feng's bad luck (1)

As Zhang Wei savored his newfound life within the room, a contrasting scene played out just beyond its walls.

A shadowed Ye Feng moved like a specter, his demeanor exuding despair. He wandered past Wu Xue, his very essence shattered, as he grappled with the profound questions of his existence.

Wu Xue's gaze fixated on his somber figure, her head shaking slowly in silent empathy. She tried not to linger on his plight, but her thoughts drifted elsewhere.

However, when her mind returned to the enigmatic events within the room, her cheeks flushed with a sudden, unexpected embarrassment. 'I never thought Ruoxi was into that kind of play,' she pondered, bewildered by the unmistakable sounds of Lin Ruoxi indulging in some hidden desire.