Xuan Wu: The Emperor of Darkness!

On the crisp morning of March 31, 2023, Zhang Wei awoke with the first rays of dawn.

The soft glow of sunlight seeped through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth across the room.

To his surprise, he discovered a small piece of fluff nestled between himself and Wu Xue. It seemed that Wu Xue had placed Mr. Poo between them during the night.

Zhang Wei reached out and carefully plucked the fluffy interloper from their midst.

With a sly grin, he decided and tossed Mr. Poo out of the open window.

Little did he know that his act would set off a chain of emotions in Wu Xue when she woke up.

As the morning unfolded, the system, which silently observed their interactions, felt tempted to comment on Zhang Wei's newfound jealousy.

However, it wisely chose to withhold its remarks.

"Host, have you considered using the inheritance stone?" the system finally inquired.

Zhang Wei's thoughts snapped back to the matter at hand.