Shadow Infiltrator: Sneaking inside woman's trial room! (2)

Wang Xiaoying panicked, her attempts to push him away and escape proving futile, her desperation palpable.

Outside the dressing room, the group had reconvened.

Everyone had returned except for Mo Yuxin and Song Shoushan, engrossed in their examination of the clothes.

Mo Chen had finally mustered the courage to step inside, feeling the awkward atmosphere.

He positioned himself near Xie Meirong, Xiong Mei, and the female attendant, waiting with bated breath for Wang Xiaoying to emerge.

Little did he know that those who wait for flowers to bloom forever often find their own blossoms plucked away by strangers in the garden of life.


Mo Chen suddenly heard the startled yelp of Wang Xiaoying and raised his brows in surprise, looking at the others. "Did you guys also hear it?"

Xiong Mei and the female attendant exchanged surprised glances as they both looked at the trial room in astonishment.