"I prefer them young, they are easy to train!"

"Oh, what's hidden up there?" Zhang Wei inquired, his curiosity piqued as they explored the thirteenth floor.

Lisa shot him an amused look, "That's the staircase, obviously," accompanied by a playful roll of her eyes.

Zhang Wei pressed on, "I know, but what mysteries does the top floor hold?"

Lisa leaned in, lowering her voice, "The top floor is the chairman's domain. I can't take you there."

"Is that so?" Zhang Wei hummed, a tinge of disappointment in his tone.

Lisa felt a twinge of frustration, "Stop fooling around. What's the point of going upstairs anyway?"

Zhang Wei flashed a playful grin, "I could sneak a peek at the chairman's quarters. Who knows, I might occupy that throne in the future?" His eyes twinkled mischievously, adding a playful wink for good measure.