Distressed Qian Lan? Need the man of the house?


Before they could react, Yu Lei swiftly sprang into action, her moves executed with precision. With a powerful kick to the sneering man's shin, she followed up with a swift punch to the other's gut.

The first man exclaimed, "What the...?"

His companion, equally bewildered, attempted to say, "Hey, we were just..."

But before the second one could finish, Yu Lei unleashed a spectacular roundhouse kick on each of them in succession, leaving both of them speechless, tumbling to the ground with a painful thud.

"Oh, that's gotta hurt!" someone in the restaurant muttered, followed by nervous laughter.

In a matter of moments, the restaurant descended into chaos. Patrons scrambled to leave, chairs were overturned, and plates clattered to the floor as they hurriedly made their way to the exit.