Burning down the whole hospital!

As Zhang Wei pushed open the door to ward A-11, a sudden shift in the atmosphere greeted him.

The chaotic sounds from the corridor were replaced by an eerie silence within the room. The sterile, white-walled space held only one occupant—an elderly lady, frail and ghostly pale.

*Beep... Beep...*

The room was dimly lit, with the only source of illumination coming from the soft, green glow of the life support equipment that surrounded the patient's bed.


The machines hummed softly, monitoring every precious breath the woman took.

Her fragile form lay motionless, connected to a tangle of wires and tubes, her eyes closed as if in deep slumber.

The rise and fall of her chest were barely perceptible, a testament to the fragility of her life.

Zhang Wei approached the bed with measured steps, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the room.