*Zhang Wei overwhelmed? Xie Meirong attacks the little brother!* (3)

"Sixty-eight..." She muttered, each breath escaping her lips heavily. Her legs quivered, barely able to support her trembling form.

The relentless slaps had left her once smooth ass swollen, tingling with every touch. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of pleasure and the struggle to suppress her moans.

Zhang Wei grinned wickedly, anticipation shimmering in his eyes. His hand, now stretched back, prepared to unleash the final blow upon her throbbing backside.



Xie Meirong's lips parted, a primal moan echoing from deep within her. The relentless assault on her ass had pushed her to the brink of ecstasy.

Her legs convulsed, unable to contain the release that surged through her. Love juices trickled down her inner thighs, glistening in the dim light.