The cunning Xie Meirong!

"It's fixed!" Xie Meirong exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she meticulously reassembled each shattered fragment of the glass mirror, piecing it back together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Zhang Wei nodded, acknowledging her skill in restoring the mirror. With great care, he extended his hand over the repaired glass, feeling the latent energy within.

As he attempted to tap into its hidden potential, a resonance surged from within the mirror, causing a satisfied smile to play upon his lips.

He inquired, 'What do I need to do to start cultivating those ugly insects inside?'

The voice of the system responded promptly, offering a solution, [Host, simply purchase a Gu insect and infuse it with your internal energy. Over time, they will multiply.]

Zhang Wei wasted no time, swiftly converting his accumulated essence into points and acquiring a single Gu insect.