Voodoo: Zhang Wei's effect, making women smarter! (2)

Zhang Wei, with a widened grin, "Now, where were we?"


Hu Ning, slightly taken aback by the unexpected resistance, narrowed her eyes, internally noting, 'Strange, why isn't it working?' Confusion flickered across her face as she attempted to understand why her usual hypnosis had no effect on this man.

Undeterred, she maintained eye contact, dismissing his shameless words. However, her confidence wavered as the surroundings abruptly transformed into blinding white light.


Panic set in, and she started shivering uncontrollably, feeling an overpowering force at play.

In the midst of her disorientation, a colossal, ethereal white dragon materialized, wreathed in mystical flames.

The sudden appearance of this fantastical creature startled her, and before she could comprehend the situation, the spectral dragon lunged at her.
