Unexpected Birthday Present (1)

In the hushed ambiance of the changing room, a single question hung in the air like a delicate wisp of curiosity. "Hu Ning?"

The door creaked open, revealing a slice of the room beyond, and in that sliver of light, Zhou Jiajia, engrossed in extracting her earrings, spoke without a glance backward. Her eyes remained fixated on the mirror before her, an unwavering focus amidst the mundane act.

"Zhang... Wei?"

However, her eyes, like a cautious prelude, blinked twice before recognition danced in them, birthing a radiant smile that transformed her entire demeanor. Swift as a fleeting thought, she closed the distance.

Zhou Jiajia, unable to contain the bubbling excitement within her, bounded toward him, bridging the gap with a tight embrace. "Zhang Wei, you really came! I thought you'd be too busy."