Peak Foundation establishment realm!



Name: Zhang Wei

Age: 25

Body Rank: Diamond Body

Cultivation Level: Intial stage —> Peak Stage of foundation establishment realm

Bloodline: Dragon god transcended bloodline (Integration in progress: 5 %)

Spirit beast: None

Cultivation talent: None

Spiritual root rank: Heavenly Thunder Root (Heaven-defying Spiritual root)


"Whoa, does this little locket pack that much power?" Zhang Wei exclaimed, genuine surprise flickering across his face as his cultivation soared through the peak in an instant.

"[Host], you can toss the locket now; you've absorbed all its power and the souls from those cultivators earlier," the voice advised.

Zhang Wei nodded, the lifeblood fusion art revealing a darker path to elevate his cultivation—slaughtering cultivators, absorbing their souls, and refining them together. It was brutal, but Zhang Wei rarely cared.