Control... Brother-in-law...

*Slurp... Slurp...*

Tears streamed down Li Jia's cheeks, mingling with the revulsion that filled her every fiber. She despised herself for being forced into this degrading act, her soul shattering with each passing moment.

Mrs. Li whispered prayers in her heart, desperately hoping for a miracle to free them from this nightmare.

As the minutes stretched on, the dehumanizing act continued unabated.

Zhang Wei stood amidst the chaos he had wrought, his expression one of cold detachment. For him, this had been an opportunity to unleash his power without restraint, a rare chance to act without the usual boundaries that governed his world.

Li Jie and Mrs. Li were reduced to broken figures on the floor, their bodies bruised and battered, their eyes vacant and devoid of any light.