Suffering from Success!

As they turned to make their way back, Zhang Wei suddenly pulled Lisa close, his arm wrapping around her waist. Startled, Lisa found herself leaning against him for warmth.


Lisa bit her lip, a silent battle raging within her. 'What's happening to me? I've obviously won the bet already...' she thought, her mind a whirlwind of confusion.

Despite her resolve and the clear knowledge that she was no longer obligated to entertain his advances, Lisa found herself disarmed by his proximity.

Each time she caught a glimpse of Zhang Wei's face, her prepared retorts seemed to vanish into thin air.

'Why him... of all people?' she mused, a wry chuckle bubbling up inside her.

She knew the answer, yet it baffled her.

She was painfully aware of the irony here.

In a world brimming with decent men, she found herself inexplicably drawn to the one who playfully suggested she become his canary every other sentence.