Guns! Rifles! Grenades! Machetes, and a box dedicated solely to knives!

A solitary tear escaped Xiong Mei's eye, trailing down her cheek. "Can't you be less obvious..." she muttered softly to the sky, her voice barely a whisper.

The world around her felt surreal. Her father, Xiong Mingde, had died of a heart attack right after Zhang Wei's departure.

To everyone else, it seemed like a natural, albeit tragic, occurrence.

But Xiong Mei couldn't shake off her suspicions.

Her father, though not the most honorable man, was still her father.

The thought that Zhang Wei might be involved in his death left her deeply conflicted.

'He could at least pretend,' she thought bitterly. 'Make it less obvious.'

But the very fact that he didn't made her wonder if he was sending her a message.

Was he deliberately letting her know it was his doing?

"Why?" she whispered to the empty sky, her mind a whirlpool of confusion and anger. 'Why not continue the charade? Why reveal your hand to me so soon?'