Using Cultivation to Woo Girls? It's Big Brother's style — Can't Compare!

As Chen Yulan's hands rested lightly on Zhang Wei's chest, her touch gentle yet tentative, a hint of vulnerability peeked through her usually composed demeanor.

The air around them seemed charged with an unspoken tension, a mix of past memories and present emotions weaving an intricate maze.

From within, the voice of the system, chimed in with an observation that carried a hint of amusement. [Host, you are the first person I have ever seen that used cultivation to woo girls.]

Zhang Wei's internal response was lighthearted, a silent chuckle echoing in his thoughts. 'Isn't that good?'

The system, however, wasn't finished. [You just made her fall intentionally using the wind beneath her legs, didn't you?] it accused, its tone a mix of exasperation and resignation.