The Abondened Disicple is back!

Wu Xue, in contrast, seemed to escape his scrutinizing eye, deemed insignificant in the grand scheme of their mission. Yet, when his gaze finally rested on Zhang Wei, Wen Tingguang found himself at a loss.

Zhang Wei's cultivation level, if he had any, was inscrutable, a fact that piqued his curiosity yet further. 'Could this ordinary human be the master Chu Yaoyao is so fixated on?' he wondered, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth at the thought.

However, the serene moment was abruptly shattered.

"Agh!" Rose, who had been quietly observing the scene, suddenly clutched her head in pain. Her eyes, once clear, clouded over as if she was seeing something beyond the present. In the span of a mere second, a flurry of images bombarded her senses, leaving her gasping for reality.