Be as smart as the brother? Never mind! Can't compete!

The arrow struck as expected, but instead of targeting her heart, it aimed for a different spot, shooting directly from beneath her buttocks.

It ripped through everything in its path with a ferocious might, tearing through the air until it collided with the barrier of clothes, halting its progression.

"Tch," Zhang Wei clicked his tongue in disappointment, causing a faint blush to rise on Lisa's cheeks as she turned to face him. "What?" she asked, feeling the undeniable pressure of his body against hers. She knew she had to remain composed, not making a big deal out of it.

"Nothing," Zhang Wei responded coolly before delicately caressing her face like a fragile doll. His lips traced a trail of kisses down her neck, causing Lisa to momentarily forget how to breathe.

"You know, every woman can be bought. It's just that they don't like hearing it to their faces," Zhang Wei spoke, his gaze filled with a depth of knowledge that seemed far beyond his years.