Begs for Help! Slaves the sleeping Beauty! Brother starts the Extortion Mission! (2)

Liu Dongzi's words painted a picture of despair and desperation that had plagued his family for years. "My granddaughter, Ling'er, suddenly fell ill five years ago, and mysteriously, her legs became paralyzed. We've sought the expertise of all four divine doctors from Xianghui, yet none could determine the root cause of her condition..."

Zhang Wei's interest piqued at the mention of an anomaly in the medical condition. "What about the call? You mentioned receiving a call about this?"

Liu Dongzi's expression darkened further, his worry lines deepening. "Yes, a few days ago, we were contacted by someone claiming to be from the ancient Gu family. They demanded our entire family fortune in exchange for Ling'er's life, threatening her death if we spoke to anyone or refused their demands. They insisted on absolute silence, or they would eliminate her."

"Extortion, then?" Zhang Wei couldn't hide his surprise.