65_ A Grand Army.

A thunder of incoming projectiles were launched into the direction of the mist as they stabbed into the earth. The Rain of Blood had ceased but the Heavens were still darkened. The army of men held fast to their armoured mounts , looking on in anticipation of mostly of things dread and in fear at the prospect of some future ill to befall them.

The Devil King held his Demon Blade in hand as he took a stand before the great Regiment before him unfazed by their size. He had crumbled armies and destroyed empires ; This would be nothing to him.

The arrows that had been fastened into the ground , unhinged itself and changed it's direction as of now, it pointed towards Jianhuo Huang and his army.

"You dare to challenge me..." He scoffed with his hand stretched forth.. "Now you will face death for your actions."

Without warning , the pointed projectile propelled themselves towards the army with incredible speed. The General shouted for his men to shield themselves against the attack when in that same instant, a swarm of arrows accosted them , stabbing the unwary men in vulnerable places as their horses bucked in terror and their dead riders were thrown to the dust and trampled upon.

A devilish smirk played across his lips as he struck his Demon Blade against the earth . The ground shook violently while all the horses neighed in fright as Huge, devouring mass of beastly demons emerged from the misty fog. They were a multitude, They were all tall as titans with horrifying demeanours.

Nucai stood upon the shoulder of the lofty demon with her Sword In hand , ready for the inevitable battle. She took in a breath and exhaled. It was time ; Dai Fang had told her , To prove her allegiance to him once and for all. He did not mince his words as he spoke to her , telling her the possible consequence of what could happen if she decided to go on ahead to the battlefront. She had declared her loyalty to him once before and this was the time to act on her words.

"Charge!" Nucai ordered and the demonic beasts rushed forward towards the Imperial Army.

"Attack!" General Mu Shù commanded as he drew out his Sword and charged into the heat of battle as the soldiers rented out battle cries leading the first attack. The Huge, devouring swarm of beastly demons emerged from the misty fog cutting through the imperial army. Mortals and demons clashed and blood was spilt from both sides. As the soldiers slashed their way through the horde of enemies , so did the Demon mercilessly massacred them on the orders of The Devil King .

Nucai surged through the mass of soldiers and bodies as she drew out the full lenght of her blade...


Mizuki could hear the rumbles as clashing Swords erupted in the distance. The darkness of the skies only worsened her anxiety and what could be happening at that very moment.

She had struggled to break free but all to no avail , coming to a realization that the only way she could break free was to dislodge her shoulder bone from its place.

With it displaced , am arm would be free thereby creating more space for her body to follow next. As a healer , Mizuki knew all about displacing of bones and too well about the pain it caused to put it back in place.

But It was nothing that she would not endure for him.

She gritted her teeth and with a sudden movement, she had jolted her shoulder bone out of place. The pain was was scathing but Mizuki endured through it and with a little effort, she slipped out from underneath the ropes and her bones slipped back into place. Still hurting , Mizuki moved unsteadiy towards the direction of the Forbidden Palace ; hoping she was not too late.


The plains were littered with corpses as the once green grass was overflowing with red. The air was obscured by the blood mist that seemed to grow heavier by each death as a haze of blood would go up from each slash inflicted up in the demons who devastated the mortal Army.

General Mu Shù rode through the gory battle scene with two soilders flanked him from behind as they approached Jianhuo who was surrounded by a lot of demons he cut through viciously.

"Your Majesty , there is heavy resistance." He began. "The Mist has hindered visibility , causing my men to lose track of the enemy. We are facing attacks from all direction as too many soldiers have fallen and the objective is not in sight. We should attempt to pull back in order to regroup..."

The soldiers unconsciously looked to him for a strategy or at least the order of retreat. Their central plan had failed miserably. Half of their army of Nine hundred thousand men were dead while the remnants were without support , disorganized and weak ; a fate worse than death.

"No." The Emperor declared as he fixed of the head of one of the enemies that accosted him. "I came here for The Devil King's blood and his blood I shall get. Any man that falls back shall be regarded as a Traitor to the Kanerria Dynasty and I shall have him executed." He gripped the reins of his Stallion as he urged it forward his aim to reach the Forbidden Palace and confront Dai Fang once and for all.