Orderly Carnage

After running for a while, he came out from the forest. The hill was right in front of him, all he needed to do was climb it and the village would be on the other side!

Unfortunately, this was the last thought to go through his head before everything went dark.

Mikel was behind him with his hand penetrating the hunter's head and blood dripped down his fingers that protruded from the hunter's forehead.

[Name: village hunter

Level: 7

HP: 0/62]

[Congratulations! +10 exp]

[EXP: 10/100 => 20/100]

Walking through the forest a few minutes ago, Mikel had noticed this hunter. Although the hunter noticed him first, fear had stopped the hunter from reacting quickly which gave Mikel the chance to attack.

With his quick speed, Mikel reached the hunter and threw a kick to his head. The man had attempted to block the attack but he was too late and having close to zero defense made the situation worse for him.

Mikel dished out multiple attacks but let the hunter escape so he could follow behind him. The hunter most likely knew a shorter way out of the forest and he was right.

When he had unknowingly led him out, Mikel decided to finish him off. This method of killing was one Mikel wasn't sure would work, but his gamble paid off and now he had gotten some exp and a new method of fighting.

Mikel removed his hand from his head and the body fell to the ground before dispersing into a flurry of pixels and disappearing completely. Then he began his walk up the hill.

When he approached the top, he crouched and peeped over to see Mudilona. Men, women, and children moving back and forth within its walls.

Mikel estimated that they were over five hundred people in there and that was excluding the multiple armed guards that patrolled inside and outside the walls.

[That's a lot of people.]

'I know. Seeing all these people happy and living life to its fullest makes me want to rethink this whole thing.'

[This was your plan, so if you choose not to follow through with it then so be it.]

'I don't have much of a choice. I either do this now or I'll end up doing it later. And doing it now would bring the most benefits.'

[Killing off a whole village is not an easy task.]

'That's why there's a plan to achieve that task. It's not completely foolproof but it'll have to do.'

[Very well.]

'I just have to remind myself that they aren't real.'

[They might not be real, but they don't know that. They have lives, families, and loved ones you're about to take from them.]

'Are you here to support me or make me feel worse?'


'This wasn't the village on my mind when I created this plan, so I'll have to adjust it a bit. I'll commence the attack at nightfall.' Mikel said, ignoring the system's comment.

[The village is heavily guarded. You'll die for sure if you fight head-on.]

'I plan to sneak into the village and begin a leveling-up spree. From that point onwards, the goal remains the same; kill until there's none left.'



Outside Mudilona's walls...

"I'm getting tired already," a guard said before letting out a yawn and turning to his colleague by his side. "When do we get to switch?"

"About three hours," the other guard replied.

"Three hours?! Oh come on, isn't this a bit too cruel?" The first guard asked in anguish.

"That's what you get for not sleeping earlier," the second guard laughed.

"Well you don't expect me to let go of a woman that beautiful just because I had to work," the first guard sighed.

"I'm glad you had your fun but you're facing the consequences now aren't you?" The second guard laughed even harder.

The laughter continued for a while and the first guard hissed in frustration. Just as he decided to walk away, he noticed something in the distance. Unable to discern what it was, he called the attention of his colleague who stopped his laughter and looked at where the former was pointing.

It looked like... flames? Yes, they were flames but why were they blue?

Suddenly, the blue flames began to burn brighter.

"What's that?" One of them finally managed to ask.

"It looks like it's getting brighter and brighter," the other said.

"No... It's getting closer! Quick! Sound the—"

It was already too late as Mikel had already approached them! His hands shone bright blue due to him activating his [bone breaker] skill.

His fist was only a few inches away from one of the guard's faces before he could even react. A dull boom was heard when his fist made contact and the guard made a complete 360 before dropping to the ground from the force.

[Critical hit!]


[Name: Mudilonan village guard

Level: 13

HP: 49/120]

[Opponent has been stunned!]

Ignoring the last notification, Mikel quickly turned to the second guard who had already raised his spear to impale him!

Unfortunately for the guard, Mikel was more agile now that his skill was active and the special effect has increased his bone flexibility by 50% which meant that his bone flexibility stat was only five points away from fifty!

Mikel easily dodged the spear and grabbed the guard by his armored vest and performed three quick hooks to his head to finish him off!

[Critical hit!]


[Critical hit!]


[Critical hit!]


Mikel then let go of the dead guard and finished the one on the ground with one punch.

[Congratulations! +2 Mudilonan village guards defeated!]

[+40 exp]

[EXP: 60/100]

As their bodies dissipated into pixels, Mikel looked around to make sure they were no more guards around this side of the wall. His skill had gone on cool down so it would get harder if he had to fight now.

Without wasting any more time, Mikel straightened his fingers and stabbed them into the wall as he climbed up.

At some point, he got to the top and was looking down at the village. As expected there were guards on the other side as well as hundreds of people who moved around.

He could see people isolated in corners and many he could see through the windows I'm their homes.

"Alright," Mikel crouched, preparing to launch himself into Mudilona.

"It's time for orderly carnage."