Love Doctor of Subway Station 9

Lloyd brought me to the nearest subway entrance, subway station 9. It looked just like the subways in my world, except there was a clear jump in technology that I wasn't able to recognize in the poorer parts of town. There were no train tracks, it was a single metal pipe that stretched across where the tracks usually would be. When I asked Lloyd he explained that trains were powered by mana crystals, which were byproducts of gates. They were also harvested from monsters, with the discovery of mana crystals mankind was able to propel their technology forward in time by using the cheap and powerful new fuel source. Trains were now electromagnetic, so they pulled themselves forward on this single track using attraction and stopped by reversing the polarity of the attraction to repulsion. It was very interesting to me, the explanation also explained why there were so many screens everywhere in the subway. Everything was automated, including a small convenience store that sold hot food, and everything else you'd find at any other store.

It was truly fascinating, and reminded me again that I lived in a totally different world than my previous one. I wonder if they experienced World Wars here?

I shook my head, clearing these thoughts for another time. I chose a decent location, near the waiting platform, and Lloyd began to advertise for my business. I opted to have him be my advertiser because I kept a cowl on my head, keeping my head down, I hid my age along with presenting a mysterious and mystical aura. Many people seemed annoyed by the performance, however my eyes glinted when I saw the few looks of optimism, and curiosity. A few school girls were walking up, and I overheard them talking in hushed tones.

"Do you think this is real? I really want to ask them for help." said a young girl in a school uniform. She had long brown hair, and blue eyes. She was smiling and definitely looked like a sucker- I mean an optimist.

"Of course it isn't real, firstly, you think anyone with any real oracle talent would be on the subway platform trying to make a few measly thousand dollars? Second, even if they were real, which they aren't, you already have us telling you what you should do. You'll hear the same thing as us, and you'll be a couple thousand dollars poorer." The girl who said this had the opposite look on her face, she looked disgusted when she ran her eyes over our small set up. To be fair it was an upside down trash can I was sitting on and my 'table' was a cardboard box I dug out of the trash on the way here. The girl had a striking appearance. She had platinum blonde hair, imperceptibly close to silver, and these deep purple eyes. She looked like the typical non believer. A pessimist who was bad for business.

I already saw the seeds of doubt begin to sow in the crowd, I had to intervene! Looking at the girls' information, I needed to find something to validate my business and restore faith.


[Michelle Kline]

[Talent: Elemental Contractor]

[Emotional State: Heartbroken, Sad, and Desperate]


[Annabelle Kriss]

[Talent: Sword Saint]

[Emotional State: Familial Hate, Longing, and Pressured]


Alright, I think I knew the general gist of their sisituations. "Great Talent must bear great pressure. Tremendous talent, well, I can clearly see the affect it has on one. Your journey on the road of power is lonely, is it not, Ms.Kriss?" As I said this, the blonde's eyes went wide.

"Ohhhh!!! I told you he was legit! Hahaha! Anna, now we HAVE to get his advice. Hello sir, I wanted some advice, and I was hoping you could help me. Of course I'll pay you." The girl named Michelle said, turning from her awestruck friend to me.

"There are a lot of fish in the sea. However, that doesn't always mean you'll meet the same fish twice. If he means a lot to you, you'll fight for him, however if you realize that he doesn't have that much special about him, perhaps it's time to move on. You have a lot of potential, and with that you'll only shine brighter as time goes on. Your suitors won't be few." I said, at the same time I realized that these two had very powerful talents, and it wouldn't hurt to curry a bit of favor.

Michelle pondered over my words for a couple minutes, while Annabelle approached me. In a quiet tone, she asked "What should I do about my family, they all expect me to be this great and powerful Sword Saint, but I don't know if I can become one..."

I looked at her, and was empathetic of her situation. It must be incredibly taxing to have those expectations thrust upon you, and at such a young age as well. It would feel like the while world was weighing down on you.

"You're destiny as a Sword Saint is not a matter of determination nor effort, it is a matter of time. You have the talent, and it is an inevitable result. Don't stress too much about achieving some title or recognition from others, focus on yourself and enjoying your youth. You have the rest of your life to achieve the title of Sword Saint, but you only have your younger years to enjoy being a child." I said. I meant only the best with my advice for these two kids, their situations are ones everyone could relate to on some level, and I knew that this business was really less about providing profound wisdom, but more about being present for someone in trying times.

Michelle finished mulling over my advice, and then she quietly walked up to my table. She handed me a small debit card. "There are $5,000 in that card. The pin is 0000. I appreciate your help, really. Your words have given me the confidence to do what I was reluctant to do, and I will remember this favor."

Annabelle seemed to have made a similar decision, she too handed me a card. She leaned over the table, and whispered "There is $20,000 in the account. There is no pin. You sound young, if you're here and not on your way to the Academy I can only assume you don't have the money for the enrollment fee... Meet me there, I want to see you again, maybe without all the smoke and mirrors?" She smiled and boarded the train with Michelle.

She had gotten so close I could smell her shampoo. Strawberry. It was nice, however I shook my head and focused on the bigger shock.

$25,000! I had twice as much as I needed to enroll, and almost enough to pay for my first semester as well. These two fat sheep, and Annabelle, the one who was originally pessimistic, was the biggest sheep of the two!

Without the money worries, and without anymore reason to stay at the subway, I began to leave with Lloyd. Lloyd was happier than a kid in a candy store. On the way back, we decided to stop by a grocery store to get some food to celebrate. Tomorrow I would go to enroll, and take the entrance test. On the way out of the subway however, we were surrounded by five adults.

"Into the alley, or we'll gut you like a pig and throw your corpse onto the train tracks. Your body will disintegrate from the energy and heat produced by the train." One of the men said.

"Relax, your threat was too long. We'll go into the alley." I said, calmly. Compared to the Lloyd who stood beside me, shaking. His eyes filled with fear and his brain so scared he couldn't talk.

As we walked into the alley, two more men walked out from behind a dumpster. One was dressed like a stuck up college professor with round glasses to boot. The other was dressed like, what I can only describe, as a 'hippie'. He also smelled like sh*t. "You know showering would help a lot for your first impressions, and you, my God you look like a dork. Now what is this, are you two predators or is there a totally not weird reason why you forced two young boys into an alley?" I taunted. I could see the veins in their foreheads, while seeing them also restrain their anger. I knew they weren't here for anything malicious, based on them not blowing their tops over my insults. I took a peek at their information, and they were just a couple of untalented people. Seven ordinary men.

"You have a mouth on you. We are here to warn you not to tread on our turf. This is our business. Don't get in our way, you can go to a different station, but 9 is ours." the Professor said.

"That's what this is about? You can have it. I just wanted to test out my newly awakened Talent, I'm not trying to step on any toes." I said, I had a look of incredulity on my face. This was just a shakedown from rivals of Dr. Love! They were afraid of my immense talent, and they came to shut it down.

Surprised, all the men present heaved a sigh of relief. After talking for a bit, we realized we actually kind of got along. We were all in the business of ripping off dumb teens and insecure adults, and we actually didn't dislike each other. After talking for a bit, I decided Lloyd and I should head out. As I was about to walk out of the alley, I turned around suddenly. "Hey! If I have time on the weekends or after classes, I will come back to this station to make some money. If you guys are still here, maybe we can start an actual business, and get you guys off the streets."

They showed a look of appreciation, and smiled gently. The hippie replied for them, "You're a good kid, we will be here, but remember we are the adults! We'll treat you to something nice next time we meet." With that, the men turned down a separate alley, to loop around and go back to the subway. After talking, we learned that they were just homeless adults trying to make a living. They had created a community for people in a similar situation as them, and they tried to opportunities for each other with money they raised by begging. It was a great concept, and I loved the sense of community they created.

That night the whole shelter had a lavish dinner. The best they had ever had, and it was a night where everyone decided that meeting Alistair was one of the best things to happen recently. After the festivities, I had decided on something.

I was going to bring Lloyd with me to the Academy. He was definitely talented, and a tank was invaluable to anyone going into combat. I told him of this as we were going to bed, to which he was extremely happy. It seemed that he didn't know he had a latent talent, and that gave him a lot of hope. We went to bed as soon as we finished talking. Both of us had a lot on our minds, but neither of us wanted to sleep in too long tomorrow, in fear of ruining the first step to a new beginning.