
She froze, the wash cloth in her hand suddenly unbearably heavy, as she tried to convince herself that she was mistaken. Of all the scenarios that she had imagined might happen tonight, this was not one of them, and it was much worse than anything else she had thought of. Her arm was numb and almost slid down into the water but she quickly forced it back up and continued rubbing his shoulders. She bit down on her lower lip, inwardly wincing in pain, and tasting blood, she turned back to add more bath oils to the cloth as she licked her lips to hide the blood.

"Did you hear what I said Nenet?", the Pharaoh’s voice from behind her, shattering her hope that she had misheard him before.

"Yes Pharaoh", she replied softly, before turning to face him.

"Good. After the banquet tonight you will return here to spend the night with me"

"Yes Pharaoh", she repeated, unable to think of anything else to say.

Just then the other two girls arrived and descended into the pool and Nenet stepped aside to make room for them. But to her surprise, they came instead to her and she moved away, flinching from their hands.

"They are here to wash and dress you. You will accompany me to the banquet", the Pharaoh explained with amusement before walking to the steps and leaving the pool.

She moved to follow him but he must have anticipated this and his next words stopped her before she got any further.

"I have a new personal slave to wash and dress me so you will no longer be performing these duties"

He had reached the table where the towels sat in a neat pile and plucking one, he deftly wrapped it around his waist. As he started towards his bedroom, he called back over his shoulder.

"Make sure that she is clean and perfumed as my concubine"

Nenet stood watching his retreating back as growing trepidation filled her causing goosebumps to break out all over her body. She shivered in the warm water while the two girls began removing her clothing to wash her.

They were talking to each other in low, hushed tones that she barely heard through the fog of her anxious thoughts.

This was exactly what Zahra had feared and repeatedly warned her about and now their worst fears were about to become reality. Nenet wanted to go to the older woman and ask her to intervene and remove her from this predicament but if only she could. Nervous anxiety coiled and settled in the pit of her stomach like a dead weight.

Once her bath was over, they escorted her naked from the pool and toweled her dry before dressing her in a long, flowing dress made of the finest white linen. Jewelry fashioned from colorful, precious stones adorned her neck, arms and ankles while her hair was perfumed and brushed until it shone. The girls swiftly and expertly applied her makeup, paying attention to her eyes and accentuating them with black kohl.

The Pharaoh had already dressed and left when she was escorted by his guards to the great hall. Walking through the hallways, each step felt heavier than the last and she slowed her pace, hoping to delay the inevitable. She kept hoping that Zahra would appear like she always did and magically whisk her away from her cursed fate but each step closer only further dimmed her hope.

Outside the entrance, they paused, waiting for the doors to be opened before she stepped inside. Her hands were cold and clammy with sweat and she could hear the sound of her heart pounding within her chest. She was both nervous and excited to see Ammon again but not like this, not as his father’s concubine. What would he think of her now, she thought, as a dull ache spread through her chest almost causing her to wince in pain.

Too soon the doors to the banquet hall swung open and Nenet stood uncertainly on the threshold, contemplating the possibility of running away. But as she looked around at the people seated inside turning their heads in her direction, she knew that there was no escape from this nightmare.

Reluctantly stepping inside, her eyes drifted towards the raised stage upon which sat the Royal family. She knew where the Pharaoh would be seated and carefully avoided his gaze, looking instead at the queen and her son. She felt the weight of his stare long before their eyes met and she faltered, her breath catching in her throat as they locked eyes.

He had grown into a man and was physically bigger even than before he left. Unable to maintain eye contact, she lowered her gaze to the broad expanse of his neck and chest where the light from the torches turned his skin the color of burnished gold. He was seated on the right hand of the Pharaoh, his dark eyes glittering dangerously as he watched her approach.

A shudder ran through her body and she swallowed hard before lowering her head and walking to sit behind the Pharaoh. She burned as though she had a fever under the sheer intensity of his gaze, only finding relief when he finally turned to face the guests seated in the banquet hall.

Time seemed to have sprouted wings and flew by much too fast and soon the Pharaoh began his speech to mark the end of the festivities.

"My son, Crown Prince Ammon, has returned victorious from the southern border and tonight we celebrate both his victory and safe return"

The guests cheered and raised their glasses in a toast to the Crown Prince, genuinely happy and excited at his return. Though she longed to see his face and his reaction to the crowd, Nenet dared not raise her head to look at him. The Pharaoh raised a hand, instantly silencing the crowd before speaking again.

"According to the tradition befitting the heir to the throne, ask your reward and it shall be granted"