You don't see global attacks by aliens in Russia, Spain, Brazil, anywhere else in the world, just there...

He was in his mansion for what he said was a super villain attack problem since the fact that the priestess Ayase Moshishi was one of the temple's representatives, they had organized a party among several others around the city, amid the fact that the purple-haired, unfriendly priestess had a certain appeal for curses.

All the representatives of the cult came from other dimensions, they were all sons of bitches and they hated their family, they all led a world and a dimension to extinction, then, they all destroyed their family, led to the end and all of them, above everything, they converted for money, immortality and the promise of having lots of money.

It was no wonder that the greatest concentration of the Cult of Um-Mu's wealth came from the so-called destroyed dimensions, thus by those very people she held with her, practically making the Cult of Um-Mu the richest in the entire multiverse.

In addition to holding in their cult, the old psychopaths who hated their family, which was concentrating in the temples of Zarathanis all the riches of dimensions that went to the bag, besides, zombies don't need money, much less killed by covid.

It seemed that on the other hand, after Tsuki Miki became a deity, god, dragon representative and whose husband was exactly one of the aliens who made their famous attacks and their successive global invasions towards Earth, at least he stopped...

What was not commonly said and the so-called attack of the week towards the country, in addition to other aliens, which for this to stop, it was necessary for them to be part of the Zarathanis alliance , which not everyone did, but they agreed that they stopped from attacking the city of Lovecraft County, in order to attack other cities.

In the midst of it.

Golden Valley looked like the ideal location for a weekly raid, Washington was at the top of the stats, not to mention the high rate of murders and serial killers that seem to make America their hunting ground.

Again, we have the campaign promises, in addition to kissing babies on the street.

About that.

Tsuki had gotten some goods.

That was a book that can split and steal people's parts, tear them to pieces, still alive, this she taught Tsuki Miki Delphos, he learned from that damn book he took from a wizard, fool, imbecile and idiot who dared attack at the Lovecraft County Museum.

Imagine you are now divided into several parts, liver, head, arms, legs and spine, but still alive, with loose eyes moving as if you were rolling on the floor of your own accord, watching you as if you were from some doll possessed of the cock that you had. pursues, the problem with the book was that when dividing parts of bodies they moved of their own accord.

Amidst this, between having a villain torn apart, stuck on a hook of what would be Tsuki's cavern complaining, cursing and promising on behalf of his dead mother that he would literally slice him up when he got out of there, yet in turn. .

- I'll make your liver pate if you don't give all the details and secrets of the other villains, it's no use insulting my mother, I'm not even going to take her pieces and put her pieces together. – Tsuki said.

He tried to spit it out, but his mouth was vertically inside a tank..., drowning was not a good solution, as that was impossible, but he felt anyway it worked to make him very docile and accepting his interrogation, behaving to cause similar effects to some unorthodox methods.

After extensive interrogation that left him still dangling like a head attached to a log, he left and went to arrange a meeting between various state leaders.

They were at a United Nations meeting at the Washington Summit when they saw the Loch Ness alien monster , well it looked like it.

What happened was that inside a building, it had become an aquarium with interdimensional portals, in an attempt to kidnap the greatest heads of state.

It was big, black and looked like a giant mouthed serpent, in addition to bringing a whole sea towards the building, inside, in which they were without waiting and without knowing that they had several heads of state, was their ill-fated attack and kidnapping. that didn't work out very well.

Transforming the united nations building into a dimensional cube like a fish aquarium, with alien monsters in several different rooms separating the leaders and politicians, which left us having to open portals in different parts to try to take them, thanks to the fact that we have the best security and bodyguards in the universe, made a complicated job more difficult.

Then, they started swimming and pushing towards balls of energy that were separating them into isolated rooms with force field.

One of the priestesses standing there in her blue jumpsuit wasn't prepared for what happened, so her wet clothes were pulled up like a vacuum cleaner suction amidst fighting naked, I mean not even her fat ass was any less attractive, but it was in sight.

Amidst the attack of the giant snake version of the Loch Ness alien monster , it caused more than ten rooms to be destroyed their glass, with water pressure suction blows, creating a whirlpool towards one of the rooms, pulling the other occupants like a hit of water pressure.

What looked like the boxer's flat-headed, bow-tie-clad elite soldier, prepared to act on the other side, where there wasn't a bubble of water, charging towards Priestess Moshi , who was prepared, in the middle of the bubble tank of water. Water.

- Who would have thought that priestesses lacked modesty. – One of your opponents said.

Who thought women can't fight naked. – The woman then charged towards the space frog boxer.

You are not important to us. – One of the space salarymen in a chalk suit with giant heads appeared throwing her with the force of space pressure like inverted gravity throwing her towards two more rooms through the walls.

- We made it so that only people with strong spiritual energy could enter this place, but you don't interest us. – He said, making her a Pinbal bubble ...

- I think not. – One of the priests said, with a circular movement of his staff, also naked.

- The pressure destroyed the clothes. - The woman said, coming back with a punch and next to her Huang Di appeared, who giving two canes with impact waves dividing the room in half, to be surprised by another big headed alien with black eyes and bodybuilder's body.

He pinned it down with the pull of gravity towards the ground.

- First we'll rip your bananas, then the rest of you doesn't matter to us. - He said.

- Don't forget the nuts. – One of them said.

- Yes, all in the name of a beautiful science project.

- My banana. – Huang Di said. – This is bullshit. - He said, being crumpled towards the ground, with the force of gravity.

- No, you priests are great specimens, capable of resisting absurd forces and neutralizing our technologies. - He said.

– Then we will study them. - He said.