Europe became a European version of the Sahara desert, this version of the European continent suffered from sandstorms, food shortages, when drought burned and destroyed all food sources and there was no room for agriculture and livestock, livestock died of heat and drought led to the destruction of all crops, in which they had to appeal from other countries, even to other planets of the alliance.

Then the European continent was taken to a desert-like state where there was famine, pestilence, a new wave of a new strain of virus that killed more than 80% of the continent's population.

Europe suffered from high temperatures, with extreme temperatures that was a heat wave that spread across the continent, leading to a drought in Europe that lasted more than 10 years, making the entire European continent, with Portugal, Spain, England , France, Greece, well in fact every country in Europe, led to the extinction of various plant species.

Due to floods in other parts of the world, for example, towards latin america where they possibly exported their agriculture.

So, due to the fact that they cherish the Amazon, they were worried about the fact that they didn't want ranchers to use their land on farms, because of that, there was no one to turn to, as this led to other moments in the end of livestock, then , the hunger.

Then, causing an overheating, reaching 60 degrees across the European continent.

While the greatest enemies of the United States, Iran, for the first time in history, the leaders wanted to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, in which they turned them against the United States of America, Baden, the previous American president, did not managed to re-establish a pact, they turned against the United States of America.

They started trading with other planets too, anyway, that was a death rate, which reached 50x the power.

About that.

Returning to Earth Zero's galactic sector of space.

present moment.

Sidereal base in Lovecraft County of the allied races of the Galactic Alliance in the Eternal Tower.

In the middle of a meeting room, with another mercenary captured, after a long time of interrogation, in addition to bandages all over his body, the crustacean alien, sitting at the table, with his hands on his legs said.

- I'm sorry, I come from a war zone, there are many refugees, it just so happens that this is the only job I found, after all, I'm not good at anything else. - He said.

So, due to the fact that he was a failed crustacean alien whose only job was to help attack a planet, so...

- What made you work for him right away? Tsuki questioned, at his side, Darkness, an entourage of representatives.

- My son is sick. - He said.

Due to the war zones, the diseases that were spreading through the galactic zones, there was a disease that was spreading to other galaxies, it was a disease that caused massive hemorrhage, mainly when defecating and urinating, but, it wasn't just by Organs reproductive organs, ears , nose, throat and internally.

So, at that time, it was a mutated version of covid 19 that was spreading through every part of planet Earth and beyond, between planetary zones and galaxies.

Many diseases were spreading across the multiverse, especially some galactic sectors that had poverty and that are experiencing weather effects.

In which some worlds were isolated, at that time, they saw around them maps of worlds that were mostly shrouded in poverty.

Due to the numerous diseases, in which the planets were isolated, there were many refugees, mercenaries and booties, those galaxies were very far away, due to large sums of resource shortages, famine and inhospitable planets, which left each of the planetary systems and waves of viruses, cannibal planets that were eating other planets, as well as black holes.

So, they thought, it was no use for a part of the planets of those galaxies to be able to produce exorbitant riches, if it was not capable of supporting life, not even capable of having any visitors, it was in short, uninhabitable planets, showers of glass, gravities so dense that few planets in the solar system were capable of supporting life.

The planets that could have the ability to support life, still, were inhospitable, had oxygen, but they couldn't in turn, have oxygen and when they had oxygen, so some programs and procedures were more expensive, some medicines, which had difficulties producing due to the fact that some life forms were extremely different from others, taking longer to develop in other solar systems.

The crustacean alien was detailing exactly why he needed the money.

- Well, my son got sick, he bleeds constantly, he defecates and needs frequent blood transfusions due to the fact that he doesn't stop bleeding, so he needs daily blood transfusions. - He said. – My wife died of the same problem. - He said. – I was not able to pay for the treatments. - He said. “If I don't take some medicine, or money, then he'll die. - He said.

- You're tough. – Darkness said. – Your race is strange. – The new god continued.

- I work as a bodyguard, sometimes mercenary, bounty hunter. - He said. – Fighter. - He said.

- I live below the expectations of my people, I couldn't do anything else. - He said.

- Where is your planet? – Darkness questioned him.

- My planet exists in one of the conflict zones, it is on the path between refugees and space pirates. - He said.

- Being an aquatic planet, I live underwater. - He said.

- So your problem is money. – Darkness said. – If I gave the resources, would you leave? – Darkness said.

- No, just resources, I need blood. - He said. – My planet is poor. - He said.

- I can't get other forms of employment, because I'm weak. - He said.

- Wait one moment. - Tsuki approached him, smelling him, he saw the bandages, he smells like...

- What are you doing? – Darkness questioned him. – Are you going to eat it? – The new god said.

- I don't... - So... - How is your food? – Tsuki questioned him. - Smell of milk. - He said.

"Pathetic isn't it," Darkness said.

- I know how pathetic I am, living by the mercy of my enemy. - He said, tears falling from his eyes.

Then Tsuki took the milk bottle, handing it to the crab alien. – You are of a race that does not know some human habits, nor consumption. He took out his cell phone, then showed it to him.

- Does this animal exist on your planet? – He questioned him, showing the photo in question.

- No, but this liquid looks like our blood. - He said.