- If you come with me and don't wander around, yes. - He said.

Then the mannequin went to live happily with his girlfriend.

- I love you. – They said to each other.

So, Tsuki left the mannequins at his mansion in the armor hall.

About that.

Delphi Mansion.

The day before Tsuki received a call from Dick and Tim, letting them know that there had been a new breakout from Arkham, but that it hadn't been a real problem that they could solve for him, so they wanted to talk at one of the restaurants in town, since it seemed he didn't want prolonged contact with them.

The cave's defenses were well up to date, since their marriage, there was an agreement not to talk in the mansion...

Tsuki was in one of the restaurants in town, it wasn't hard to keep control of the town, when he traded with the demons, his old contacts and villains weren't a problem, they would be caught in a day, as that was easy to find out about. their hiding places.