With the God of Contracts, slaughtered senselessly as his people watched in horror. In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts, in which the Dainsleif , Tuviraz Chapter Main Story Teaser .

The galactic territory of Luuryares is currently divided into 6 galactic colonies.

Port of Luuryares , Mar de Nuvens

The shipyard of the port started the maritime trade of Luuryares , as the largest mercantile port of Tuviraz , the large amount of goods that flow to and from it is simply incomparable to other ports.

planetary waves of lanterns rising into the night galactic sector - a Luuryares event you can't miss

Planet of the Tianheng empire , Sea of Clouds, with the pride of the mountain that protects the Port of Luuryares from the West, acting as a natural shield against any enemies that might come through.