It was the fight of the veterans, when the woman was flexible, while the other one was short and old, who had bodies capable of spinning, while they were giving arm locks, spinning towards the arm strikes, turning the body with kicks high, raising his legs, with a shower and volley of blows, towards the other side of the room, which looked like anything to be a weapon and used with a machete on the table, but dodging at the last second.
With that, cutting off his breath and throwing it to either side, leading the way towards the house from the farm's entrance, when they were still charging towards them, throwing them towards the living room, which with a hail of blows, did the trick. floor give way.
In what seemed to fall towards what would be an abyss, which showed several meters below them, with each meter was a construction, a house from various periods of the period built, one on top of the other.