Every one of them he tried to let go, begged and cried, but being a spirit no one could see him.

Then, between tears, he raged, lost among the memorials, of several children, youth and adults, among them, crying, surrounded by shadows, deaths, desires, and more spirits.

They tried to break free, release and save other children, over and over, until at some point, these souls, trapped and cursed, were still there, restless, wrapped in a thirst for revenge, death desires.

Hondo 's clan family burying another house and then building another one on top of the previous one.

They screamed, groaned, enraged, that's when they gathered into a single soul, destructive, vengeful, spiteful, cursed.

He reviewed it every time he asked...

- Look at me..., look at me, I can save you...

But he never saved them, he tried in every way, without success, when he tried to untie them, but belatedly, looking at his ghostly hands, that he...