Jackass Knows A Little Secret

Jackass wakes up earlier than anyone 4:00 am,walk out of his room to get some food,hears some voice of someone whispering:

Jackass:(opens the door of Samos's office which was his bedroom too,just a little,looks at some dinosaur type creatures with horns appearing other side of a blue portal and there were some men with metal grey thin metal masks with black hoods riding these flying Dinopearls)

Samos:(looking at them his stick in his hand facing the other way of the door):"Look this time be nice and forgive him...going after him will just cause more chaos.."

(One of them the most closer to Samos raises his hand as all of them were in black long costumes metal shoes like ancient knights used to wear with having black gloves,there masks were like having no hole for eyes or mouth like robos)

Lord Zorsu:(dark voice):"We respect you Samos! But that doesn't mean we will forgive the one who betrayed us....being a Muslim or your student does not make anyone pure or innocent enough! Perhaps we had a contract...he betrayed us killed our most lovely pet...now we'll see how far he goes...Allah Hafiz till then...Samos...Dino World will always remember your glory and you are always welcome here..."


(The portal closes and every one vanishes)

Jackass:(a spider fell on his chest he tries to get it off but doing so knocks on the door letting Samos realize of his existence he completely closes the door but turning back he miraculously finds Samos standing with his stick looking at him):"Woah!."

Samos:"You should be in your room.."

Jackass:"I...I know...I was just..."

Samos:"Spying on me?."

Jackass:(curiously):"What was that all about? Who were they...are favorites not even considered enough valuable to be informed about these realities?."

Samos:"Not everyone understands these things...there is a whole other dimension or world of these Dino-Knights and Dinopearls...they mess with none and none messes with them...they train these Dinopearls,feed them take care of them although they may look horrifying beings but they are very nice if none touches them,but once...huh...one of my student went into their world...about 2 to 3 years ago and he stuck there...he wanted to come back..he somehow contacted me and I gave him a miraculous map...the map was to make a contract with them..as there were only two maps of this in the world...I had...others were extincted...I gave him the two maps and told him how it works..you can't keep both...it will turn into a energy blast the seventh day...I told him to give one to your closest partner and keep the second one...sadly..the first one got a dent and they couldn't bear it.."

Jackass:"Bear what? A dent?.."

Samos:"The dent is considered as a betrayal of the contract...although he had escaped but it costs one of their pets life which meant the world to them..and after the dent they came on Earth alot of destruction occured but then the records were cleared and I let's say revived the damage like it never happened and saved Mr Umar also his map helped him survive and they somehow managed to go back to their world but then now 2023 the map he had has a dent and they will come after him again..."

Jackass:"Oh! So what now...will You try to help him?."

Samos:(smiles):"Nah! It's the destiny...it will make him into something powerful enough to bring a revolution in our world.."

Jackass:"Like what?."

Samos:"Like a super....."

(Badaross comes running towards him as Samos vanishes,the door of his office closes and Jackass stunned stays confused)

Badaross:(yawning):"Hey! Asalam O Alaikum!I heard some whispering...who were you talking to?."

Jackass:"Walaikum Asalam! Umm...who was I talking to?."

Badaross:"Yeah! That is what I just said..."

Jackass:"Actually..None of your business!."

(Gets back into his room to get ready for prayer)

Badaross:(with a frown):"Huh! Kids nowadays..."