
“Hey look what’s there on the new today”

Channel 1: Breaking News - Bali Family Assassinated

News Anchor: Good evening, and welcome to the evening news. We have a breaking story tonight, the Bali family, one of the most influential families in the country, has been targeted in a series of coordinated assassinations. Reports indicate that 47 members of the family have been killed, and only one member, Rudra Bali, is missing.


“The Bali Family is gone!”

He hurriedly snatches the remote and changes the channel to verify the news.

Channel 2: The Bali Family Tragedy

News Anchor: This is a dark day for the country as we report on the tragic loss of the Bali family. The entire family, except for Rudra Bali, has been brutally murdered. The nation is in shock and mourning the loss of one of its most influential families.

Channel 3: The Hunt for Rudra Bali

News Anchor: The news of the assassination of the Bali family has sent shockwaves through the country. The government is now launching a full-scale search for Rudra Bali, the family's only survivor, and missing member. The authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward to help them in their search.

Channel 4: The Failure of Military and Defense Organizations

News Anchor: The brutal assassinations of the Bali family have raised questions about the effectiveness of the country's military and defense organizations. How could they not protect even one member of the Bali family, despite their vast resources and power? The government is facing criticism for its inability to stop these horrific events from occurring.

“This is real.”

“The Bali Family is gone; our country cannot even effectively protect these big families then how will they be able to protect us”

He closed his eyes in despair while he falls limp on the sofa.


As news of the assassinations of members of the Bali Family begins to spread, there is likely to be a great deal of shock and concern within the government. Officials may start to discuss possible reasons for the attacks, including the possibility of a power struggle within the Bali Family or a conspiracy by rival political factions.

The government may also consider the potential security risks posed by these assassinations, both within the country and internationally. They may discuss the need to increase security measures to protect other prominent figures and prevent further attacks.

As more information about the Bali assassinations comes to light, the government may also begin investigating the possibility of involvement by foreign powers or terrorist organizations. They may consider using intelligence agencies and other resources to gather information and track down those responsible for the attacks.

In addition to these discussions, the government may also consider the potential impact of the assassinations on the country's political stability and economy. They may discuss the need to take measures to maintain order and prevent civil unrest and the potential for economic repercussions such as a decline in investor confidence.

As the number of casualties increases and the last member is still missing, the government also entertains the possibility of a nationwide search to find the last member of the Bali family, Rudra Bali, who could be in grave danger or could be in hiding. They may also discuss the need to protect him if he is found and keep him safe from the unknown assassins.

Overall, the discussions within the government are likely to be intense and focused on addressing the immediate crisis and preventing further attacks while considering the long-term implications of the assassinations for the country's security and stability.


Int Central House

Speaker: "I would like to draw the attention of the House to the recent news of the Bali Family Assassinations."

"This series of assassinations have left a very bad impact on our international and domestic reputation"

After finishing his opening comments the Speaker then rests while leaving the rest to the others present.

Minister of Defense: "I am sorry to report that the Bali Family has suffered a genocide. Forty-seven members have been confirmed dead, with the last member, Rudra Bali, missing."

Prime Minister: "How could this have happened? Wasn't there supposed to be security for them?"

Minister of Defense: "Yes, there was security in place, but it appears that a highly skilled and organized group carried out the assassinations. We are currently investigating the matter."

Interior Minister: "We have received intelligence that suggests that the assassins may have had inside help. We are looking into the possibility of a mole within the security team."

Prime Minister: "That is deeply concerning. We must find out who is behind this and bring them to justice."

Minister of Foreign Affairs: "This is not just a matter of internal security. The international community is watching closely. We need to ensure that they see that we are taking this matter seriously and doing everything in our power to find the perpetrators."

Minister of Intelligence: "Our agents are working tirelessly to gather information and track down leads. We are also reviewing all surveillance footage and conducting interviews with anyone who may have had contact with the Bali family."

Prime Minister: "I want all resources devoted to this investigation. We must find out who is behind this and bring them to justice. We must also find Rudra Bali, the person if he is still alive, or the corpse in case he is dead."

Minister of Defense: "We are doing everything in our power to locate and provide him with protection."

Prime Minister: "I want regular updates on the investigation and any new developments. We must not rest until we get to the bottom of this."

All Ministers: "Yes, Prime Minister."

Interior of government office.


Int PM Office

Prime Minister: "Commander Patel, can you explain to me how is it that not one member of the Bali family was able to be saved from assassination?"

Commander Patel: "Prime Minister, I understand your frustration. Our military and intelligence agencies were doing everything in their power to protect the Bali family. But the assassins were highly skilled and seemed to always be one step ahead of us."

Prime Minister: "But what about our other defense organizations, like the National Security Guard? Why were they not able to intervene and save at least one member of the Bali family?"

Director of National Security: "Prime Minister, the National Security Guard is a specialized unit designed to deal with terrorist threats. The assassins targeting the Bali family were not acting as terrorists; they were acting as professional hitmen."

Prime Minister: "I understand that. But what about the intelligence agencies? Surely they must have had some information that could have helped us protect the Bali family."

Director of Intelligence: "Prime Minister, we had some information that the Bali family was being targeted, but we were unable to get any concrete details about who was behind the assassinations or when they would take place."

Prime Minister: "Unacceptable. I want a full investigation into why our defense organizations were unable to save even one member of the Bali family. I want those responsible for being held accountable."

Commander Patel: "Yes, Prime Minister. We will begin an investigation immediately."