Spreading the News

The followers of Rudra gathered in a secret meeting place to discuss how they could make the news of Rudra's death spread without raising any suspicion. They all sat in a circle, with Raghav taking the lead.

Raghav: "So, Rudra wants us to spread the news of his death without raising any suspicion. We need to think of a way that will make sure that his instructions are followed to the letter."

Prashansak: "But how do we make sure that the news spreads without anyone questioning it? The government will surely be keeping a close eye on anything related to the Bali family."

Rishi: "We could create fake evidence to support the news of his death. We could plant fake news articles, or even fake pictures or videos."

Kavacha: "But that might not be enough. The government could easily discredit any fake evidence that we present. We need something more concrete, something that they won't be able to ignore."

Netra: "What if we staged a fake funeral for Rudra? We could have a procession and even bury an empty coffin. That way, people would believe that he's truly dead."

Raṇaniyojaka: "That's a good idea, but we need to make sure that everything is done properly. The government will be keeping a close eye on anything related to the Bali family, and we can't afford to make any mistakes."

Hasth: "I have an idea. We could create a fake video of Rudra's death, and make it look like he died in an accident or something. That way, people would believe that he's truly dead, and the government won't be able to discredit it."

The group discussed each of their ideas, and eventually, they all agreed to Hasth's plan. They knew that it was a risky move, but they also knew that it was the only way to keep Rudra and Zindagi safe. They all left the meeting with a newfound determination, ready to put their plan into action.

The followers of Rudra gathered together to discuss their next plan of action. They all agreed that spreading the news of Rudra's death was the best course of action to keep Zindagi safe, but they needed to make sure that the news was convincing enough that no one would suspect otherwise.

"We need to make sure that the news of Rudra's death is believable," said Raghav, the first follower. "We need to find a way to show the world that he was indeed killed in the battle."

"I have an idea," said Prashansak. "We can use the video of the battle between Rudra and the assassins. We can publish it on the internet under a fake profile and make it look like a leaked video from an unknown source."

The others nodded in agreement and set to work. They worked tirelessly to edit the video and make it look convincing. They made sure to hide their own identities and made it look like the video had been leaked from an anonymous source.

Soon, the video was published online and it quickly went viral. People were shocked and amazed by the intense battle that had taken place. The followers of Rudra spread the word that Rudra had died in the battle, and many national experts watched the video and confirmed that there was no way he could have survived.

The followers of Rudra breathed a sigh of relief as their plan seemed to be working. The news of Rudra's death spread quickly, and soon everyone believed that he was indeed gone. They had successfully managed to spread the news without arousing any suspicion, and most importantly, they had kept Zindagi safe.

Rudra sat quietly in the underground part of the manor, his thoughts heavy with the weight of what had happened to his family. He was still in shock, but he also felt a glimmer of hope as he thought about the efforts of his followers.

When his followers came to him with the results of their actions, Rudra was amazed. They had managed to create a convincing video that made it appear as if he had died in the battle with the assassins. They had also published the video on the internet, and it had gone viral, attracting the attention of the public, the government, and his enemies.

"This is incredible," Rudra said, staring at the video. "You've done an amazing job. The public really believes that I'm dead."

"We wanted to do everything we could to protect you and Zindagi," one of his followers said.

"And it seems like it's working," another added. "The public is mourning the loss of the Bali family, and the government is focused on finding those responsible for the assassinations."

Rudra nodded, his mind still spinning with the realization of what his followers had accomplished. He had never expected this outcome, but he was grateful for their help.

"I just hope that this works," he said. "I'm afraid of what will happen if my enemies find out that I'm still alive."

"We won't let that happen," one of his followers said confidently. "We'll do everything in our power to protect you and Zindagi. You're the last of the Bali family, and we'll do everything we can to keep you safe."

Rudra nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude for his followers. He knew he couldn’t do this alone, and he was grateful for their loyalty and support.

As they continued to discuss their plans for the future, Rudra couldn't help but feel hopeful for the first time in a long while. With his followers’ help, he felt he could overcome anything.