The day for the red lantern festival finally came. It was the most celebrated festival in Doria. The basis for it was, that it was a day celebrating the magical feeling of love couples felt for each other. And since there were more youths than elderlies in Doria, the festival was celebrated by all.

Another reason it was loved, was because there had never been bad weather on a red lantern festival. The people claimed that 'Hathor' the goddess of love and merryweather always prospered that day.

The main celebrations usually started at dusk. Under the first full moon of the year. Where couples lit a red lantern between themselves and set it afloat into the air, whilst confessing their feelings for one another.

The day was said to also bring love and comfort to those without a better half as well. Those who didn't have anyone yet, like lit a lantern of slightly lighter red than the couples, hoping to find true love one day. Everyone usually rose very early in excitement anytime it was the day of the red lantern festival. However, for some unknown reason, Adriana was still fast asleep in bed much to the surprise of Rose, Nelly and Kate. Her three maids.

Little did they know that she was having a lovely dream about the festival, and Bren, and was enjoying herself thoroughly. Every now and then she would even smile to herself.

"Well? Do we wake her up?'' Kate said peering down at her curiously. "I don't know, she seems pretty happy in this dream she's having." answered Nelly. "But if we don't, the lady will be late for the opening of the festival!" Rose boomed in her loud voice and everyone else shushed her crossly. That woke her.

Whether they liked it or not, Adriana had woken up. "Good morning Miss." They chorused. "Is it the red lantern festival already?" Adriana asked sleepily. "Yes Miss. You see... you seemed to be having such a good dream and... and well, we didn't want to wake you."

"Really?" She started. "Oh thank goodness I woke up. Wouldn't want to be late and have to do everything in a hurry." Adriana said as she hopped out of her bed, and to the bathroom.

Nelly and Kate followed her, while Rose went to get her clothes. Adriana quickly took off her nightgown and slid into the bathtub. She breathed in the lovely smell of the rose petals and ointments in the water. Kate soaped her hair with shampoo carefully, while Nelly smothered a milky extract gotten from honey on to her skin.

"So tell me. Who are you lighting your lanterns with girls?" Adriana asked as she dried her hair with a towel. They blushed and hid their faces. "You can't tell me that such fine ladies as yourself have no one?" She said worriedly. "Um...we do Miss, but we'd rather not tell." Nelly answered blushing cooked lobster red. "I see...fair enough." Adriana said slipping on a robe.

She walked into her dressing room, and a lovely white gown made of shiny satin, with red roses on it's sleeves dazzled her. The girls giggled delightedly when they saw how pleased she was with the dress. "Your mother had the tailor make it for you specially for today." Rose said.

"Oh! She really out did herself this time!" she said feeling the material lovingly. Adriana hurriedly got into it and pranced around for them to see. ''Lovely!" declared Rose clapping her hands in glee. "Splendid!" said Nelly. Everyone one turned to Kate. Only her was yet to make a comment on how Adriana looked in the dress. "Kate? say something. What do you think?" Nelly nudged her. Kate smiled. "Beautiful. There's no other word for it. Beautiful." She said staring longingly.

"Now, for your hair." Rose said nudging Adriana towards her dressing mirror. "We'll get the jewelry." said Nelly and Kate who at once scurried off to the jewelry chest on the closet.

Rose let down Adriana's glorious mop of red hair, and just then, Adriana noticed a single red rose on the dresser table. She picked it up and smiled. "Rose? Did you put this on my table?"

"No Miss. I didn't" She answered wondering how it got there. Adriana turned towards Nelly and Kate inquiringly. They shrugged their shoulders.

It was Bren! It had to be! Lifting up the rose to her nose,she smiled to herself. The jewelry Nelly and Kate brought for her to wear were emeralds. Really expensive gems. "This dress...these jewels. Aren't they a bit..." "Not at all miss." Interuppted Nelly. "Your parents made sure they told us over and over again, that you had to look your best." said Kate as she put her jewels on her.

"There. Lovely!" They bring out your eyes complimented Nelly. She then began to assist Rose with her hair. Adriana thought that the way her parents kept emphasizing on her looking her best was strange, but she tossed it aside. "Now that I remember, your mother did say that we were going to entertain some very special guests today." Nelly said. "I see." Adriana replied.

Just then, Kate caught sight of her still fiddling with the rose. She arched a brow suspiciously. "Miss? Are you lighting your lantern with whoever gave you that rose?" she asked. Adriana immediately became alert and dropped the rose. "Nonsense! I'm lighting my lantern alone this year!" she declared.

Outspoken rose who could not help herself any longer blurted out. "In that case, who were you dreaming of this morning Miss? You were smiling in your sleep!" she declared and the others nodded in approval, goofy grins all over their faces. Adriana felt cornered. "That's my business!" she said sternly. Rose had just finished with her hair. "If you're all done, you may go now." Adriana said. "Yes Miss." they chorused once more and began to leave.

"Wait a minute! I've got something for all of you." Adriana said opening a drawer. She brought out three lovely necklaces, very expensive ones of course, and handed a red one to Nelly, a blue one to Kate, and a purple one to Rose. They all gasped in delight. "Nelly, your necklace is a ruby, Kate's is a sapphire, and Rose. an amethyst." Adriana said. "Oh thank you so much Miss!" they said pressing their cheeks to hers. "Now, go get dressed already." Adriana said with a chuckle.

After a bow, they went out of the room whilst chatting excitedly about the lovely gifts they'd gotten. Adriana followed them with her eyes until they'd left. She then picked up the rose eagerly with a chuckle.