Adriana's father stormed into his bedroom. Adriana barged in angrily, following him whilst talking. "What is the meaning of this father?! How could you do this to me?!" The governor removed the flowing gold cape from around his neck. The festival had just been over. Adriana followed him everywhere as she talked, her red hair bobbing up and down.

"I wanted to protect you." He said taking off his boots. "From what?!" Adriana declared, her frustration mounting in heaps. "I just found out that I'm getting married in five months time to a man I've never met, from a place I've barely ever heard of!"

"Adriana, you weren't ready to hear the truth..." He said taking off a ring. "... You must understand..." he began.

"No father, YOU must understand!" Adriana interrupted as she stopped waking. "I can't marry someone I don't love."