Gaius decided to have a cold bath before dinner. He was rubbing his hair dry when he noticed a small piece of paper on the floor. He grumbled. The room was always spotlessly clean when he used to be alone here, but now that Bren had come, he'd taken to littering. He picked up the paper to toss it into the trash, when he saw that there was writing on it.

The garden near the woods tonight? Come alone? Bren was going to meet with someone at the woods tonight? He must find out who this was! He thought with resolution. Gaius was watching Bren carefully throughout dinner. Nothing unusual happened, except that he ate a little bit more than he normally did today. As they got to their room, Bren stretched and yawned. "Seems like giving Philippe a tour really tired me out." Gaius said nothing in reply. Bren then went over to his bed and tucked himself in.