True to her word, Adriana had come back early that morning to Janice's house. She'd managed to shake Gaius off somewhere along the road. She looked around, just to make sure that she wasn't being followed especially by Gaius, then she knocked quickly.

Janice answered the door. "Oh." She gasped. She cringed a little on seeing Adriana. "Come in." She hesitantly said. After offering her a seat, she went back in to call the others.

Not a moment later, Bren came in, closely followed by Janice's mother. "Adriana!" He yelled in delight, wrapping her in an embrace. Mrs Anderson was just as pleased to see her as well. She gave her a hug as well.

Janice glared at the point where Adriana's hands entangled with her mother's.

"I feel so bad about what happened with the restaurant." Adriana said sadly. Mrs Anderson shrugged. "Don't be. Its-"

"No." Adriana cut in. "You saved my life. I would like to do something for you too." She said and Janice's mother smiled.