Mera stirred slightly. This scent. The familiar feeling of the bed on which she lay made her feel so much at ease that all she wanted was to remain lying there like that for the rest of the day. But the continuous knotting of her stomach was enough to tell her that it was food she needed most now, not sleep.

Blinking her eyes to clear her fuzzy vision, she turned to her side. Dexter was sitting there, holding her hand. It was at that moment everything that had happened came back to her all at once,in a flash.

He hadn't said anything yet, and neither did she. Mera had begun to feel tears rising up in her eyes. As her lips parted to utter something, Dexter clasped her hand with both of his.

"Mera, I'm so sorry."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. She erupted into a river of tears. If there was anyone that should've been sorry, she felt it ought to be her.