The people of Doria were preparing for the two-day journey into Hartland. Bren had thought about it many times, and yet no matter what direction he came from, he felt that the two day trek into Hartland was overly delaying the amount of preparation they'd need in order to be ready for the oncoming battle.

Even the supposed two days the journey was supposed to take was a mere estimate. Which meant it could take more.

According to Dexter, two days was the least possible time it could take to get to Hartland with the people they were traveling with if all went well.

But if things went south, the journey could stretch on to three, even four days.

By then, it was not impossible that Philippe would have begun the assault on Hartland.

Even if they did make it to Hartland in good time, how long would it take them to convince the king of Hartland to put the differences between Doria and Hartland-its predecessor nation- apart.