Bren had come to know overtime that Doria was once part of Hartland, but the two places couldn't be more different.

He had expected Hartland to have some similarities with Doria, but they were completely unalike in every way possible

One thing was certain. Minas Tirith was certainly more. More beautiful, much larger, and more rich in every spectacular detail he could think of.

As he stood afar off looking at the large and splendid palace of Hartland, the very thought which he’d been postponing for later since they'd landed in Minas Tirith came popping into his thoughts. How were they going to get in?

It wasn't like they could just saunter up to the gates and tell the guards that they were from Doria, and needed an audience with the king, could they?

In fact, if he were to judge the situation by the way the people of Doria portrayed it to be, they could be killed on the spot just for saying they were from Doria.